From: Dan Huff

Sent: Tue Nov 28 13:30:20 2017

To: Leota Childress; Gerald Fisher

Subject: FW: Christmas Tree Lighting

Importance: Normal


Is what Connie states in her e-mail everyones understanding?

From: Connie Farrens []

Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 11:07 AM

To: Dan Huff <>

Subject: Re: Christmas Tree Lighting

Hi, the tree crew felt since the tree is 30 feet shorter than last year, no cables were needed. If you think they are, they can be added. Let me know. Also, I was told that while the 2 volunteers returned the hi lift, city crew cleaned the debris from around the tree. Thank you for that, the two were planning on getting it done, but greatly appreciated the help.

We noticed that the usual box/outlet to plug the tree in is gone. Where is the outlet to plug the tree in on Saturday Eve? Ceremony starts at 5pm.

When do you think the 4th of July banners are coming down? I thought originally they were coming down after Labor Day. Just curious.

On Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 8:01 AM, Dan Huff <> wrote:

Connie – Just looking for an update on what is happening with the tree. Were you all going to use cables? Any thoughts on the clean-up?

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon

(503) 829-6855



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Connie Farrens

PepCo Designs
