From: Maeghan Sandberg

Sent: Tue Jun 28 15:43:41 2016

To: Rod Lucich; Gerald Fisher; Sadie Cramer; 'Dan Huff'; Mike Penunuri

Cc: 'Chelsi Sanders'

Subject: SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT - Carnival 06/28 - 07/04

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 20160628151025031.pdf;


Attached please find the event application in its entirety, including

correct contact information and site map. They paid their $1,000 deposit,

provided insurance, and public works has already been in contact to get

them in the gate and on premises. All departments, aside from the fire

department, have signed off.


Fire department, I don't show that you have yet approved your portion. Let

me know if there are any issues/concerns. Otherwise, your emailed response

is sufficient.




Maeghan Sandberg

Parks Administration

p. 503-759-0223

f. 503-829-3676