From: Sadie Cramer

Sent: Thu Aug 25 12:37:54 2016

To: Beth Faulhaber

Cc: Maeghan Sandberg; City Manager - Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: Orange & Black for Homecoming

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image002.png;


Hi Beth,

You would need to contact PGE to get authorization. You will also need to do a permit for ODOT if you are going to put them down Main Street. At a city level I need to run it by Dan and Gerald.

Here is the contact at PGE and ODOT (Dist 2)that manages the banner permits etc. I have copied them on this email. Also, just a heads up that the parade route that was submitted will need to be changed to the route the Kiddie Parade took due to construction. Maeghan is trying to make contact with the person who submitted it to her as well to let them know it needs to be changed. We have a map of the route used for the Kiddie Parade on file already. If you have questions regarding the route you can contact Maeghan.

Ellen M. Richter | NJUNS Coordinator, Utility Asset Management

Portland General Electric |2213 SW 153rd Drive| Beaverton, OR 97003

| (: 503-672-5576 || *:

Hours: Monday–Friday 9:00-5:30

ODOT – Permit Specialist Dist. 2




From: Beth Faulhaber []

Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 9:09 PM


Subject: Orange & Black for Homecoming

Hi Sadie! Roxie Smith said I should connect with you.....I am the current President of the MHS Orange & Black Boosters. We are hoping to engage the community in Homecoming this year (September 23) and were hoping to "paint the town Orange & Black" with ribbons like Relay for Life did with the purple ribbons. We were wondering what the process/permissions might be for that? We would like to put them up September 18, the Sunday before Homecoming week....Homecoming is early this year so any activities are a quick turn around image

Thank you for your guidance in this and hope you have been well!

Beth Faulhaber, Booster President