From: Maeghan Sandberg
Sent: Thu Jul 14 10:14:42 2016
Cc: Gerald Fisher; 'NICHOLS Marlene T'
Subject: SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT - Rock and Roll Tool Sale 9/21/2016 - More info needed
Importance: Normal
Attachments: scan.pdf; Mr. Duncan, Your special event permit is currently in the review process. So far, upon review, our public works director has determined that an ODOT-approved detour and signage plan needs to be submitted, especially important in light of the construction occurring in town currently. This will be something that will need to be provided every year. You may contact Marlene Nichols with ODOT to begin this process . I have also copied her on this email. Also, our public works director, Gerald Fisher, will stop by your store to meet with you and answer any questions you may have. Respectfully, Maeghan Sandberg Parks Administration p. 503-759-0223 f. 503-829-3676