From: Andy Peters

Sent: Tue Sep 01 07:56:23 2020

To: Dan Huff; Frank Schoenfeld; Gerald Fisher; Chaunee Seifried; Diana Hadley; Christie DeSantis

Cc: Darlene Bishop; Chris Long; Dan Zinder; Cindy Chauran; Ginger Harville; Julie Larson; Maeghan Sandberg


Importance: Normal


Pushing the positive: we received this thank-you note from a local resident below. Lynn Lane Ditch was notoriously unmanaged for years, causing chronic complaints. Now we are getting compliments. This is one of nearly 300 issues we have similarly handled through improved scheduling techniques combined with a most excellent crew.

And on the “just doing our job” front, in addition to Monday’s work performing Locates, Service Requests, daily Parks Rounds, running the irrigation guns on Coleman Ranch, and performing daily tasks at the water plant, here is what we did Monday:

Utility: Two water services replaced yesterday.

Utility: Clark Park Mowed.

Utility: Potholing to find underground utilities for locates

Utility: Illicit Garage Sale signs removed around town

WWTP: Greased Upper, Lower, Brush, and Scraper Bearings

WWTP: Completed draft sampling plan for DEQs required copper and Tier I/II monitoring

WTP: Repairing regression bugs in water plant plc logic caused by new plant installation

WTP: Added drains (1/2”) ball valved on sand traps on the No. 1 Intake control valve.

WTP: Cleaned both CL17 Chlorine Analyzers.

and also prepared for one sewer lateral, which is repaired today on Shirley. During a pandemic.

None of us know how to do or give any more.



From: Nicole Watson <>

Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 10:03 PM

To: Andy Peters <>

Subject: Ditch on Lynn Lane

Good Evening Andy,

A few weeks ago, there was a crew out cleaning out the ditch and making it look nice and clean while serving a purpose too!

I meant to message you sooner and for that I apologize, but I do want you to know that I noticed the hard work and that I appreciate you getting on the schedule!

Hope you have a great week!

Nicole Watson