From: Dan Huff

Sent: Fri Jan 26 08:35:07 2018

To: Gerald Fisher; Chaunee Seifried

Cc: Andy Peters

Subject: FW: Public Works Classification Revisions

Importance: Normal


Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;

From: Greg Baxter []

Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2018 3:28 PM

To: Dan Huff

Subject: Public Works Classification Revisions

Dan –

Adam Schultz tells me that revised job descriptions/classifications have been distributed to the department in the last day or two, some or all of which contain additional or modified duties. I caveat this by saying I have not seen any of the documents. Further, Adam indicates that documents attribute agreement from the Union to the changes that are contained there in.

Prior to sending this message, I have reviewed every email communication between you and I and I can find and I do not locate any message or string of messages that would be constructed as agreement to wholesale revisions of department wide job descriptions.

Can you please provide some clarity on what is happening and what the intention of the City is?

I’ll be in southern Oregon most of next week in mediation, but will have good access to email and cell grid.

Greg Baxter