From: Dan Huff

Sent: Fri Oct 26 12:30:06 2018

To: Gerald Fisher; Andy Peters; Kelly Richardson; Christie DeSantis; Chaunee Seifried; Aldo Rodriguez; Dan Zinder; Brenda Reiner; Ginger Harville; Maeghan Sandberg; Heather Penni

Subject: 2018 Payroll Calendar.xlsx

Importance: Normal


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We need to perform better with regard to providing our timesheets to Payroll. We go through this 24 times a year so we should be proficient.

You all are responsible for your own time sheet. If you are out, then make sure you place your time sheet where someone can find it, or give it to someone for safe keeping.

The City of Molalla Personnel Policy Manual (You all can refer) states on page 44 and 45:

Time Records

The time card is a record of time worked and must be filled out. It provides a permanent record of the time spent on the job. Each employee (including exempt employees) will be issued a time card at the start of the pay period. Employee pay is calculated from this record.

The time card should be completed on a daily basis and reviewed for completeness and accuracy no less than once each week. Supervisors will review and initial time cards each pay period. If an error is to be corrected or time clarified, the time card should be taken to the manager/supervisor, who will take the appropriate action. All manual entries or corrections must be made, reviewed, and initialed by the supervisor or other appropriate management member. Time cards should be reviewed, signed, and turned in at the end of the pay period. Your signature on the time sheet each pay period means that you have verified that the times and dates are true and accurate to the best of your knowledge. You should never allow someone else to make entries on your time card. Willfully falsifying a time card, or inputting time on someone else’s time card, will be grounds for corrective action, up to and including termination.

If time cards are not received to the Finance Director by 10:00 a.m. on the assigned date due, the Finance Director has the authority to carry over any overtime pay earned or compensatory time to the next pay period.

Follow the above format for each and every pay period.

In addition, do not turn your timecard into the Senior Accountant until you have obtained your immediate supervisor’s signature. If your supervisor is not present because you have waited until the last minute, then check with the Finance Director for an appropriate option.

With all of the things that we do at this organization – time sheet submittal day turns into a cluster. Last I checked, we are all adults – figure it out!

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon

(503) 829-6855




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