From: Dan Huff
Sent: Fri Jul 06 12:14:56 2018
To: DeLise Palumbo; Elizabeth Klein; Glen Boreth; Jimmy Thompson; Keith Swigart; Leota Childress
Cc: Gerald Fisher; Rod Lucich; Kelly Richardson; Chaunee Seifried; 'Diana Hadley'
Subject: 4th of July Events - Etc.
Importance: Normal
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Mayor and Council – Those of you who did attend the Grand Parade saw a great one. I was thoroughly impressed with the community’s participation. Lots and lots of entrants. We had 37 law enforcement personnel and our Public Works Crew answer our call for help. We were blessed with people from Oregon City, Sandy, Canby, Oregon State Police and Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office. Our own Police Officers have the plan for the parade down to every detail and conducted themselves in exemplary fashion. They roasted a pig in the parking lot for everyone afterwards. I was happy to hear compliments from other agencies regarding our professionalism – credit goes to the Chief for all his hard work in the Department.
The Buckeroo had record crowds this year and the sidewalk and entrance were not only well used but discussed at length. I am convinced that people want and appreciate improvements!
We are making headway into working together and this year it showed. Our goal – Every year a little bit better!
I am in the office on Monday, July 9th and then will be in Bend for the annual Oregon City Managers Association Conference for the rest of the week. I will be available by phone and I will have an I-pad. Gerald Fisher will be your City Hall contact in my absence.
Have a great weekend.
Dan Huff
City Manager
City of Molalla, Oregon
(503) 829-6855
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