From: Dan Huff

Sent: Wed Mar 21 16:22:04 2018

To: Kelly Richardson; Gerald Fisher; Andy Peters; Christie DeSantis; Chaunee Seifried; Brenda Reiner; Dan Zinder; Aldo Rodriguez; Maeghan Sandberg; Heather Penni; Rod Lucich; Ronda Lee; Frank Schoenfeld; Chris Long; Bobby Call;; Julie Anderson

Subject: Utility Billing Clerk Resignation

Importance: Normal


Microsoft Exchange Server;converted from html;

All – Yesterday, Utility Billing Clerk, Chelsi Sanders resigned her position with the City of Molalla effective immediately. We are currently advertising for a replacement for that position. In the interim, Utility Billing Clerk duties will be shared between the Senior Accountant and the Court Clerk as follows:

Senior Accountant:

Utility Billing, SDC’s, and lien searches.

Utility Crew contact

Court Clerk:

Park Applications

Primary for the counter & phones

As always, personnel issues are a confidential matter.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon

(503) 829-6855




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