From: Dan Huff

Sent: Thu Jun 01 13:48:22 2017

To: Sadie Cramer

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Chaunee Seifried

Subject: RE: 1425 Mt. View Lane - Theft of services

Importance: Normal


I think this one is different.

The customer never came in to turn water on and sign the “contract” for service to begin with – so I think this one is a little different. MMC Section 13.04.240 C., states that water will not be turned on until payment is made in-full. Staff is correct in stating that we do not have a payment plan to offer. Or, at least I didn’t find one in the Code.

I do not buy for one second that he used to live in Eugene, blah, blah, blah. He was using water and sewer and his power bill from PGE did not display water usage.

That being said, I have a big however. How did this get to $2,000 before we found out? We all know that there are enough untrustworthy people out there today and zip ties do not work for the untrustworthy folks. Why did we not know? And if there is an answer to that question that makes us a little culpable for enabling the situation to continue then I think an option for payment is in order.

90 - 120 days maximum – full payment ($100 per month is not acceptable period). Everyone gets this deal if they want it or they can pay full price.

No more zip ties! All meters should be read!


From: Sadie Cramer []

Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 3:08 PM

To: City Manager - Dan Huff <>

Cc: Gerald Fisher <>; Chaunee Seifried <>

Subject: FW: 1425 Mt. View Lane - Theft of services


After speaking with staff regarding how the other accounts were handled there were some gaps. Due to those gaps and not knowing the full background on why we are collecting the overdue amounts noticed in full and if they don’t the water will be shut off, I made the call to maintain continuity. However, with that said I do feel there needs to be an administrative process in writing and the water should not be off and locked for the past amount noticed over a 2 year period.

In an effort to try and work with people I think we need to put a process in place. It is a double edged sword. I do empathize with these people and trying to come up with $2k unexpectedly can create a household hardship but I also see that it is theft of services and a loss to the city. This owner was willing to do payments but at $100 per month.

I am unsure of how many more accounts there are to date or will be as UB moves through the audit. We failed to catch the situation, the occupants failed to notify us or for whatever other reason but were still using the water.

The question that comes to mind is:

· Have we considered a strict payment plan in writing? Something the occupant/owner would sign giving them 3 months to pay the amount in full to avoid misdemeanor charges?

· Is there a lien process that can be use in order to secure the amount owed? So when a house sells we can get our money back because the lien was recorded at a county level?

· If we don’t have a written process on how we are handling this administratively what real “teeth” do we have when it comes to working with the public to resolve the situations? At this point a standard has been created to pay in full and up front but it is unclear how that policy came to fruition.

I don’t know if legal has been contacted or what advisement was given from legal surrounding the issue. Regardless, I feel we need to have something in writing setting and outlining the process so there is no room for interpretation and it also give something for staff to lean on when a signed document from the City Manager is shown.

These are just things to consider and mull over.



From: Chaunee Seifried []

Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2017 1:04 PM

To: Sadie Cramer <>

Cc: Dan Huff <>; Heather Penni <>; Chelsi Sanders <>

Subject: 1425 Mt. View Lane - Theft of services


I just want to update you on Mr. Higgins at 1425 Mt. View Lane.

Durring our audit we discovered that this house was purchased in 2015. The City had the water Off & Locked and was unaware that the zip tie was cut and water was being used. The water was turned off and the customer came in and filled our an application but did not pay his deposit. He wanted a payment plan of $100 month on the $2,500 that he currently owes. He was told that we don’t do payment plans by Chelsi and Heather. I then talked to him and told him that we don’t do payment plans but that we turn the water off and lock it so that we don’t get in this situation. I reminded him that the tie had to be cut in order for him to use the water but agreed to talk to the City Manager. I then talked to Sadie (A.I.C. City Manager at the time) and it was agreed that we can’t set up a payment plan for him. (The last 6 people that have been in the same situation of illegally using the City’s water had to pay the bill before getting their water turned back on.) This was theft of services.

Chaunee Seifried |Finance Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.829.6855

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