From: Dan Huff
Sent: Wed Aug 23 09:14:22 2017
To: John Baker
Cc: Jimmy Thompson;; Gerald Fisher
Subject: RE: .Grace Church/Caterpillar Clubhouse
Importance: Normal
Mr. Baker – First, I would like to say that my Staff is willing to work with you and Caterpillar personnel as needed to further discuss the day care relocation as they previously have done. Second, Mr. Sharp is incorrect and I believe he has provided you with erroneous information regarding development and/or small business issues within the City of Molalla.
We do look at each proposal and assess impacts for all of our services. Not looking at issues, impacts or treating people differently is the problem. I believe Gerald Fisher gave you some options when you all came in previously and I think you should reexamine what he told you on that day.
Finally, City’s do not approve or adopt “bills”. The new development code does not impact development fees or anything that you would be proposing with Caterpillar Clubhouse. So, I am unsure what Mr. Sharp has told you. I have spoken with Amber from Caterpillar Clubhouse as well as Gary Deardorff who is the property owner. The stories are a bit different. Development processes begin through the City of Molalla and do not go through the Chamber of Commerce and we are happy to provide you with accurate information.
Dan Huff
City Manager
City of Molalla, Oregon
(503) 829-6855
This e-mail is a public record of the City of Molalla and is subject to public disclosure unless exempt from disclosure under Oregon Public Records Law. This e-mail is subject to State Retention Schedule
From: Leota Childress []
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 8:56 AM
To: John Baker <>
Cc: Dan Huff <>; Jimmy Thompson <>
Subject: .Grace Church/Caterpillar Clubhouse
Hi John,
Thank you for reaching out to me for more information. Grace Church would be a great location for Caterpillar Clubhouse and I hope this becomes a reality.
First, I must say that I'm sorry, but unfortunately not surprised, to hear that Mr. Sharp gave you erroneous information. The City will soon be adopting a new Development Code and he is very much against it. The thoughts you mention parenthetically are the ideas that he spreads throughout the community and are not accurate.
While I can't readily answer all of your questions, I can steer you to someone who can. I urge you to make an appointment with City Manager Dan Huff. He welcomes the opportunity to work with community businesses and leaders. He will also correct the misinformation you've been given about the new Development Code. I suggest you contact him by email at
Again, thank you for reaching out. I will follow through on this with both Dan and Jimmy. Molalla is turning the corner, people are excited about moving forward and downtown revitalization is a prime interest. The Council is involved in a visioning process. We will be reaching out to the community in the very near future. You'll hear more about it very soon and I'm sure you'll want to be part of it.
Best Regards,
From: "John Baker" <>
To: "Leota Childress" <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 8:02:56 AM
Subject: Hi Leota - from John Baker
Hi Leota -
We are desiring to see Caterpillar Clubhouse relocate to Grace Church - Amber and Holly are great folks and want to come our direction as well.
We found out that they will have to pay over $200,000 in SDC costs anad now it sounds like there may be more regulation coming in that would really make this an impossibility because of what we would have to do to the church based on a bill coming before the City Council in two weeks.
Would you mind giving me your take on this?
It sounds like Grant and Jimmy are like oil and water and my motives are based on wanting to make some headway in getting the Caterpillar Clubhouse to Grace Church where they would have more room and our church would get an influx of young families that we need.
Below is the note I sent to Mayor Thompson this morning.
Thanks Leota -
(Also, the subtext that I am picking up is that things are becoming very difficult for small businesses to startup in Molalla when we want a small town feel - counter-intuitive.
Only the big guys and the big home developers can pay the SDCs so we get a lot of new homes, no new businesses and our tax structure is out of whack because there won't be enough revenue down the road to pay for future infrastructure development. Am I all wet - or is there merit to some of that?)
Hi Jimmy -
I finally got a chance to talk to Grant Sharp yesterday and he said that in two weeks the City Council is going to pass a bill that would make it almost impossible for a small business like Caterpillar Clubhouse to relocate. On top of over $200,000 in upgrades, we would be taking on regulatory restrictions that would require structural and electrical work (re-siding the church, rewiring where necessary) that would also cost us several hundred thousand dollars.
These regulations coming out of California are to be voted in in two weeks.
Jimmy, is this true? All I can tell you is what I heard from Grant and it sure sounds counter to what we talked about - that you are willing to do anything to help small business growth.
Anyway, I would appreciate the straight scoop. I enjoyed our time together and am looking forward to an education on this kind of stuff.
Thanks -
John Baker
Pastor, Grace Church Molalla
John E. Baker
Leota Childress
Molalla City Councilor