From: Dan Huff

Sent: Tue Mar 28 16:43:00 2017

To: Gerald Fisher; Rod Lucich; Sadie Cramer; Chaunee Seifried; Diana Hadley

Subject: FW: State Rep Lewis Molalla Visit

Importance: Normal




-----Original Message-----

From: Glen Boreth []

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 4:35 PM



Subject: State Rep Lewis Molalla Visit


CM Huff and Mayor Thompson,


I went to the state Capital today for a work related event. While I was

there I stopped by State Representative Lewis's office. He wanted me to

pass on to you both that he is coming to Molalla this Friday between

9:00am to 11:00am. He will be at Jaspers on 115 Engle Ave to hear any

issues or concerns from our residents, elected officials and staff. He

said he met with both of you a short time ago about a city related issue.

I will be out of the city for the next few days and will not be able to

attend. He asked that we get as many people as possible to come see him on

Friday. Please pass this on to anyone you think might want to attend. He

would also like us to email his legislative assistant with an estimate of how many people

may show up.




Glen Boreth


Sent from my iPad