From: Dan Huff

Sent: Fri Apr 07 08:26:29 2017

To: Rod Lucich; Frank Schoenfeld; Chris Long; Gerald Fisher; Dan Zinder

Subject: FW: Noise Complaint follow up

Importance: High


FYI – The 2nd Paragraph is the important one.

From: James Bobst []

Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2017 5:18 PM

To: Dan Huff <>

Cc: Larry Lemmons <>; 'Lemmons, Ray' <>; 'Dave Elwood' <>; Mark Fahey <>;;; Bobst, James <>

Subject: Noise Complaint follow up

Importance: High

Mr. Huff,

Thanks for forwarding to me Mr. Cooper’s message last week. I contacted Mr. Cooper last Friday and we discussed his concerns for 30 minutes. Based on the conversation I had with Mr. Cooper, I assembled our team to come up with potential solutions to the noise issue. Our team consisted of the President and VP of our company, along with our corporate maintenance supervisor. Our solution consisted of strategically placing shipping containers close to our equipment. On Tuesday of this week, we shut down a significant portion of our production and special project teams to place the shipping containers near the equipment. We estimate the cost of the crane / operator rental, downtime to facilities, employee labor, etc. to do this work at $15,000.

Today I called Mr. Cooper and asked him if he had noticed a difference in the noise level before I ever mentioned what actions we had taken in response to his concerns. He was amazed that over the past two days he had not heard any noise from our operations and asked if we actually operated our equipment. He even said he wife spent the major portion of her day outside on their deck and she didn’t hear any noise from our operations. He was very pleased and appreciative of our efforts and felt his concerns were adequately addressed.

I felt it was important to communicate that we take being a good steward in the community very seriously. We thank you and the elected City Council members for the trust you have placed in us and for working with us on the Enterprise Zone. We appreciate the City Council’s recent approval of our application. Would you please be kind enough to let your city staff and the Police Dep’t personnel of the outcome of our response to the concerns expressed to us?

Thank you again Mr. Huff.

Best personal regards,

James Bobst

Vice President - Corporate Relations & HR

Pacific Fibre Products, Inc.

PO Box 278 / 20 Fibre Way

Longview, WA 98632

O) 360-577-7112; C) 360-430-0749; F) 360-577-1362