From: Dan Huff
Sent: Thu Aug 17 14:34:41 2017
To: Gerald Fisher; 'Chaunee Seifried'; 'Diana Hadley'; 'Rod Lucich'; Sadie Cramer
Cc: 'Christie DeSantis'; 'Brenda Reiner'; 'Aldo Rodriguez'; Dan Zinder; Maeghan Sandberg; 'Heather Penni'; 'Chelsi Sanders';
Subject: Eclipse
Importance: Normal
All – I am a bit of a curmudgeon regarding this eclipse thing but I am sensitive that some of you all may have issues getting to work on Monday morning of the 21st. If you decide to take a day because you do not want to take a chance, that is fine but you will need to use vacation time and make sure we have coverage. City Hall will remain open! If you all pay homage to the Rock Star, Commander, Tyrant etc. appropriately we may all be excused for a field trip to the parking lot where we all can watch. Just bring a note from your mother.
Dan Huff
City Manager
City of Molalla, Oregon
(503) 829-6855
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