From: Dan Huff

Sent: Thu Sep 21 15:19:00 2017

To: Jimmy Thompson; 'Elizabeth Klein'; 'Leota Childress'; Glen Boreth;;; K Swigart

Cc: 'Rod Lucich'; Gerald Fisher; 'Chaunee Seifried'; 'Diana Hadley'

Subject: Council Policies

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Compensation.doc; Appointments.doc; Employment Policy.doc; Fee in lieu of parks.doc; Grants and loans.doc; Council Policies.doc;


Mayor and council – Here is your group of Council Policies that I have uncovered. You may want to examine these at a Regular Meeting in the near future. The employment policy is outdated and has been rplaced by the Employee Handbook that Council adopted in 2014.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon

(503) 829-6855

image "file:///C:



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