From: Dan Huff
Sent: Tue Sep 26 08:39:02 2017
To: Gerald Fisher; 'Rod Lucich'; 'Chaunee Seifried'; 'Diana Hadley'; 'Nancy Ide'
Cc: 'Heather Penni'; 'Ronda Lee'; 'Christie DeSantis'
Subject: City Records Survey
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Survey-CurrentRecordsStorage.doc; All – Attached to this e-mail is a records survey prepared by Interim City Recorder, Nancy Ide. We will be heading down the records management path as our next big project and you all are invited. Please fill out the survey by the end of this week and return to Nancy. Check in with Nancy if you need to do so. As I mentioned she will also be interviewing each of you in the near future. Let me know if you have questions. Dan