From: Dan Huff

Sent: Wed Dec 27 09:23:53 2017

To: 'Jimmy Thompson'; 'Elizabeth Klein'; 'Leota Childress'; Glen Boreth; 'Cindy Dragowsky'; 'D Palumbo'; K Swigart

Cc: 'Rod Lucich'; Gerald Fisher; 'Chaunee Seifried'; 'Kelly Richardson'; 'Diana Hadley'; 'Christie DeSantis'

Subject: 2018

Importance: Normal


Mayor and Council – We have finished one more year and you all have been part of some really good things happening here in Molalla. Once again I have appreciated your service as Councilors – hopefully the visioning project will enlighten others. Interestingly enough Molalla has grown without putting a sign out to say “please come here”. It has been a natural process. With that process that began 30 years ago we have some things to accomplish to make sure we can serve but also hopefully maintain the character. With that, I wanted to highlight a few projects that you may want to discuss in the community or you may receive questions about in 2018.

Community Visioning – Ongoing.

Website – We will be updating, improving and refreshing our website in the next few months. Our goal here is to continually improve our ability to make our site user friendly and get the information out to the community.

Supplemental Budget – Generally this process happens every year for most cities and counties to recognize unforeseen revenue as well as expenditures. Our Budget is based on estimates and there are many items that we just cannot estimate. Such as Local and State Revenue Sharing. In this particular case we recognized $100.00 in the current Budget for this new revenue and have received significantly more. We have discussed this issue with Council previously but we will need to reconvene the Budget Committee for this process. What tends to happen is that people think there is a problem and in this case it is not reflective of Molalla’s past history. Also, utility fees increased after budget adoption that increased changes over 10%.

Utility Fees – As you all know, there are more than a few accounts out there who have not followed through on our new process after 6-months (actually it is an old process). Hopefully, we will receive the last of the applications and not be forced into drastic action.

Street Utility – We have not received any comments regarding the proposed Street Utility. The information is on the website and the Pioneer had an article on the front page before Christmas. The information is available and we are happy to discuss as needed.

Police – We continue to look for ways to improve with scarce resources and have been staying on the potential of a new facility. I am thankful for the dedication we have here from our Chief and Department.

Parks – We continue to work toward improvements and hopefully we will be discussing additional options in the next year.

Projects the community will see:

PW Shop Facility – Hopefully this project will be complete by fall of 2018.

I &I Work – Based on facility mapping and smoke testing this work will continue indefinitely.

Fenton Avenue - Fenton is a CDBG project and begins construction this spring with a completion scheduled in the fall of 2018.

Clark Park Sidewalk Improvements – Sidewalk, ADA and parking improvements along Cole and Shirley in front of Clark Park. We have been in contact with the Buckeroo Association and will be coordinating throughout the finalization of the plan and construction schedule.

Water Line Improvements – Improvements in our water system on Metzler, 3rd Street, Faurie Avenue.

Pavement repairs – These are repairs that were scheduled for this past fall. We have a new contractor and our schedule is this spring weather depending.

Please let us know if you have questions or need additional information regarding any of these projects.

Happy New Year.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon

(503) 829-6855

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