From: Dan Huff
Sent: Wed Sep 21 08:33:47 2016
To: 'Deborah Rogge'; Jimmy Thompson; Jason Griswold; 'Leota Childress'; Stephen Clark; 'Elizabeth Klein'; Glen Boreth
Cc: 'Sadie Cramer'; 'Chaunee Seifried'; Gerald Fisher; Rod Lucich; 'Diana Hadley'
Subject: Update
Importance: Normal
Mayor and Council – Just a quick update:
1. We did find a new Planner – Mark Shexnayder. Mark has been working for the City of Ashland and is similar to our former Planner but with a bit more experience. He will start in a couple of weeks but couldn’t be soon enough – Gerald and I are wearing out. Part of what we are methodically doing is a reevaluation of our staffing needs to better address the community and workload.
2. There is a movie or TV show that is working with Clackamas County regarding doing some filming here in Molalla. It is all preliminary but we believe that they want to film at Skydive and in Downtown. We will keep you updated.
3. I am very pleased with the quality of applicants we are receiving for our open positions at this point. Staff has worked hard at getting the word out in various capacities rather than just relying on standard advertising. We want people to be technically sound, fit into the team and most importantly want to be in Molalla.
4. Leak test should be completed next week and biosolid removal is pending.
5. I will be off Friday September 23rd for a quick getaway. Let me know if you need something.
Dan Huff
City Manager
City of Molalla, Oregon
(503) 829-6855
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