From: Dan Huff
Sent: Fri Sep 16 14:05:42 2016
To: 'Deborah Rogge'; Jimmy Thompson; Jason Griswold; Stephen Clark; 'Leota Childress'; 'Elizabeth Klein'; Glen Boreth
Cc: 'Sadie Cramer'; 'Chaunee Seifried'; Gerald Fisher
Subject: Staffing and other Issues
Importance: Normal
Mayor and Council – I thought I would give you a quick update on a few staffing items that we are working on right now:
City Engineer/Operation Supervisor – You may recall that we added a position in the Public Works Department in order to better manage the number of projects that we are attempting to get out the door as well as increase our oversight on our infrastructure system. We advertised for this position beginning in early July and did not receive any applicants. Gerald Fisher performed a little recon work with some private firms and found that there are a number of openings for this type of position and we are experiencing a shortage of available candidates. We have redefined the position and have advertised once again. Hopefully, we will find someone soon.
Community Planner – We completed interviews this past week and will be checking references on one candidate that the interview team was particularly impressed with. As busy as the community is these days this is a very important position.
Senior Accountant – Peggy Johnson is fully retiring and we need to replace her position with a little higher level of employee from an expertise standpoint. We changed the title and have advertised for this position.
Code Enforcement – We have waited on this position at this point because we do not have space to house this position at this point.
Each of these positions are identified within the budget and we have not increased our number of employees. Just as a side note, we do operate with a much smaller employee pool than most cities our size.
Current Construction Projects:
Molalla Avenue
City Hall Remodel
Various Water Projects
City wide paving
Clarke Park Surveying
Bear Creek Byway
Planning Phase
Lola Avenue Improvements
PW Shop
SDC Update and notice
PW Shop
Next year’s construction program
Dan Huff
City Manager
City of Molalla, Oregon
(503) 829-6855
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