From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Tue May 24 16:10:39 2016

To: Dan Huff

Cc: Mark Strandberg; J.W. Ring; Jason Clifford

Subject: FW: Moisture Block Readings

Importance: Normal


Hi Dan,

Below Jason has provided the current moistures of the Sections approved for Irrigations. With recent rains forecasted for the weekend, I don’t see the outlook for irrigation improving. In order to move forward and maintain the integrity of the lagoons, Operations will be taking the following steps to prepare before and after discharging to the Molalla River.

· Take 1 sample at each location upstream and downstream of the discharge for a baseline Coliform and Bacteria count in the Molalla River.

· Monitor lagoon temperatures. The current lagoon temperature is 18-deg C. However when processing the water and discharging 5 miles to the DMS, where temperature is read for discharge, we consistently see the temperature drop 2-3 degrees from thermal loss (heat transfer) through the pipe to lower ground temperatures.

· Monitor Molalla River Flows. Ensure the flow exceeds the minimum 350 cfs

· From Tuesday 5/31 and moving forward, (1) Verify daily if one of the lagoons exceeds 13-ft (above critical level) . (2)If lagoons exceed 13’ verify Lagoon temps and river flows to ensure Winter permit requirements can be met. (3) Contact Ring & Bender to notify DEQ to proceed with the discharge. (4) Install signs at Molalla River locations as indicated in the ERP.

· During discharge to Molalla after May 31st, (1) Sample the river daily upstream & downstream of the discharge for coliform and bacteria. (2) Record the Winter Permit Daily Monitoring requirements on the DMR. (3) Continue to monitor 7-day average river flows and discharge temps per permit requirements. (4) Discontinue discharge if temperature or flows are trending to exceed permit limits. (5) Discontinue discharge if Moisture Block readings allow for irrigation start up per the approved Molalla Water Reuse Plan.

Let me know if you have any questions,

Jennifer Cline, P.E. | Public Works Director

Licensed in OR, WA

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 * |Molalla, OR 97038

O: 503.759.0218 | F: 503.829.3676

From: Jason Clifford []

Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 3:20 PM

To: Jennifer Cline <>

Subject: Moisture Block Readings

Hello Jennifer,

Section 1 – Handlines only so no readings

Section 2 – 90%

Section 3 – 89%

Section 4 – 88%

Section 5 – Too wet to even read blocks

Section 6 – 91%

Section 7 – 85%

Section 8 – 89%

I was going to set up the new big gun but nixed that. Will work or dredge pump instead. Took river samples. Will have results in the pm.

