From: Jennifer Cline

Sent: Wed Dec 10 09:27:01 2014

To: Nicolas Lennartz; Dan Huff

Cc: Dan Zinder; Garrett Edmunds

Subject: RE: DEQ 319 Grants Open for Applications

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.jpg;


I agree, I’m also going to follow up with the engineer who worked on the first phase of Stowers, He mentioned that he has a copy of our old Stormwater Plan.  This will be useful information. 

Jennifer Cline, P.E.

City of Molalla

Public Works Director

O: 503.759.0218

F:  503.829.3676

image "file:///C:

From: Nicolas Lennartz []

Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 8:53 AM

To: Dan Huff

Cc: Jennifer Cline

Subject: RE: DEQ 319 Grants Open for Applications

I think we should request funds for a city-wide hydraulic study to determine our drainage areas and their volume, as talked about with DEQ at our meeting in September. This would allow us to make better decisions when planning our future storm-water system, and if we ever consulted for a surface-water management plan.


I was also thinking about the new code, and how we could use that drainage study to justify pervious surface targets. For example, the maximum amount of impervious surface on a new development would be related to the load on the local drainage basin, and its ability to handle stormwater.

Nicolas Lennartz

Community Planner

City of Molalla

image "file:///C:

O: 503∙759∙0219; x219

F: 503∙829∙3676

C: 503∙998∙7048

From: Dan Huff []

Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 8:33 AM

To: Jennifer Cline

Cc: Nicolas Lennartz

Subject: FW: DEQ 319 Grants Open for Applications

What do you think?

From: J.W. Ring []

Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 4:40 PM

To: Dan Huff ( (

Subject: FW: DEQ 319 Grants Open for Applications


You and the City might want to consider making an application to Oregon DEQ for a Non-Point Source Reduction Grant. That Application process is now open, see below.

In recent years the City of Ashland has taken advantage of DEQ’s CWSRF loan through the sponsorship option and combining both a point source and nonpoint source project and ended up qualifying for a lower interest loan. A majority of the loan was used to restore eight miles of riparian area within the Bear Creek watershed. The city’s goal was to decrease water temperature by increasing shading. Creeks within the watershed are critical habitat for threatened Coho salmon.


J.W. Ring - Managing Partner


[T] (503) 964-6723 office direct

[T] (503) 841-9380 mobile one

[T] (503) 841-8415 mobile two


From: ACWA []

Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2014 4:07 PM


Subject: DEQ 319 Grants Open for Applications

ACWA Groundwater and Stormwater Committees:

DEQ is accepting Non-Point Source Reduction Grant applications (also known as the 319 program) for 2015. Up to $765,000 may be available in 2015 for non-point source reduction programs, including toxics reduction, data analysis, and stormwater control projects outside of MS4 regulations. The pre-proposals are due 1/26/15. This program requires a 40% non-federal match that can include in-kind or volunteer efforts.

More information and the inventory of DEQ priorities by basin available at:

Janet Gillaspie, Executive Director

Oregon Association of Clean Water Agencies (ACWA)

107 SE Washington, Suite 242

Portland OR 97214

Phone: (503) 236-6722 Fax: (503) 236-6719

E-mail: Gillaspie(at)