From: Amy Lindgren
Sent: Mon Oct 10 17:15:22 2016
To: Dan Huff
Cc: Gerald Fisher; Dan Zinder
Subject: Re: Steven Miller
Importance: Normal
Of course! Hand shake deals make perfect sense. I'd like to discuss what potential resolution we'd like to see at this point so I can send him an offer. From what Maeghan told me, I believe he wants to resolve it. So the sooner we discuss it and get him an offer the better.
From: "Dan Huff" <>
To: "Amy Lindgren" <>
Cc: "Gerald Fisher" <>, "Dan Zinder" <>, "Maeghan Sandberg" <>
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2016 4:14:02 PM
Subject: Steven Miller
Amy – I just received a phone call from Mayor Rogge. She told me that Steven Miller paid her a visit to talk about his “problem” with the City. She correctly diverted his attention to City Hall for his plight. Interesting enough, he tried to tell her that a former Mayor and Shane Potter had approved what he did on a handshake deal. If that is true (which I don’t think it is) it would have been 5-years ago. Good news is that she didn’t engage him and directed him to City Hall. To date he has not attempted to make contact with anyone in City Hall regarding this matter.
Dan Huff
City Manager
City of Molalla, Oregon
(503) 829-6855
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