From: Dan Zinder
Sent: Thu Sep 29 15:58:55 2016
Cc: 'Gerald Fisher'; Dan Huff
Subject: Unpermitted clearing/grading with possible wetlands violations - Molalla
Importance: Normal
Attachments: property Report.pdf; (1) Aerial Image - 4_17_2015.jpg; 7_23 google earth.jpg; Street View - Grading.jpg; wetland_inventory_2001_Page_2.jpg; Hi Anita, This is in regards to the (unaddressed) property that we spoke of in Molalla where the owner cleared and graded without a permit. OR Map Number is: 0305.00S02.00E07D0—0000. It may have some wetlands violations as there is known wetland on the northern portion of the property and the southern portion was not assessed in our inventory. The Google aerials that I’ve provided show a view of the southern portion of the property from 4/15/2015 (uncleared) and 7/23/2016 (cleared). Let me know if we can provide you with anything else. Best, - - - - - - - - - Dan Zinder GIS Analyst City of Molalla 503.759.0226 503.586.8094 (c)