From: Andy Peters
Sent: Fri Jan 14 12:46:26 2022
To: Ryan Quigley
Cc: Sam Miller; Dan Zinder
Subject: Fwd: SDC Calculation
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Resolution 2021-27.Repealing the Existing and Adopting New SDCs.pdf; 20190401_2019_wastewater_and_transportation_sdc_update_final_report (5).pdf; Ryan, I feel something is wrong with our SDC calculations. Can you review Mr. Donovans calculation for me? Thay seem too high. Gerald left us with a spreadsheet that lowers the rate but in an arbitrary way. I can explain further on the phone if needed. Andy Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone From: Steve Donovan <> Sent: Friday, January 14, 2022 11:54:23 AM To: Andy Peters <> Subject: RE: SDC Calculation Here are my calculations: ITE code 851 adjusted PMPHVTs 17.05 per 1,000 sf of floor area Cost per PMPHVT $4,226 Proposed development size 4,323 sf of floor area SDC Fee: 17.05 * $4,226 *4.323 = $311,486.42 From: Andy Peters <> Sent: Friday, January 14, 2022, 11:44 AM To: Steve Donovan Cc: Sam Miller; Dan Zinder Subject: SDC Calculation Steve, Happy New Year!! I need a simple SDC Calculation, can you help me? Obviously I’m worried that I see an issue or I wouldn’t be asking. But I’m hoping if I see the MASTER do one I will see where I’m wrong!
What is the Transportation SDC owed by this business?
Thank you!
Andy Peters, Public Works Div Manager
315 Kennel Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038
Phone – 503.759.0220
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