From: Andy Peters

Sent: Fri Jan 14 12:46:26 2022

To: Ryan Quigley

Cc: Sam Miller; Dan Zinder

Subject: Fwd: SDC Calculation

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Resolution 2021-27.Repealing the Existing and Adopting New SDCs.pdf; 20190401_2019_wastewater_and_transportation_sdc_update_final_report (5).pdf;


Ryan, I feel something is wrong with our SDC calculations. Can you review Mr. Donovans calculation for me? Thay seem too high. Gerald left us with a spreadsheet that lowers the rate but in an arbitrary way. I can explain further on the phone if needed.




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From: Steve Donovan <>

Sent: Friday, January 14, 2022 11:54:23 AM

To: Andy Peters <>

Subject: RE: SDC Calculation

Here are my calculations:

ITE code 851 adjusted PMPHVTs 17.05 per 1,000 sf of floor area

Cost per PMPHVT $4,226

Proposed development size 4,323 sf of floor area

SDC Fee:

17.05 * $4,226 *4.323 = $311,486.42




From: Andy Peters <>

Sent: Friday, January 14, 2022, 11:44 AM

To: Steve Donovan

Cc: Sam Miller; Dan Zinder

Subject: SDC Calculation



Steve, Happy New Year!!

I need a simple SDC Calculation, can you help me? Obviously I’m worried that I see an issue or I wouldn’t be asking. But I’m hoping if I see the MASTER do one I will see where I’m wrong!

  1. 1. My Rate Resolution is 2021-27, attached. We charge $4226 per primary trip generated in the Peak Hour.
  2. 2. The Development code is 851, Convenience Market open 24 hours, 4323 Square Feet.
  3. 3. I wish to use Table 26 from the 2019 Rate Study by Donovan (attached).


What is the Transportation SDC owed by this business?

Thank you!


Andy Peters, Public Works Div Manager

315 Kennel Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Phone – 503.759.0220

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