From: Andy Peters

Sent: Fri Apr 08 14:43:55 2022

To: Mac Corthell; Dan Zinder

Cc: Adam Shultz; Sam Miller; Richard Landreth

Subject: Downtown Handicap Parking Density

Importance: Normal


Gents, we have this survey done, basic results:

  1. 1. We should add 2 ADA spaces on North/South Molalla Ave’s on-street parking.
  2. 2. We should add 1 ADA space at the Warming Center (yes, even though it’s gravel).


Beyond that,

  1. A. the density of MARKED downtown Publicly-Owned parking spaces is 4.3165%.
  2. B. As for unmarked spaces, as there are no more than 600 of them total, our downtown Publicly-Owned ADA density will still be 2%.
  3. C. As for TOTAL spaces downtown, both public and private, the ADA density is >6%.


Public works can handle the ADA space at the warming center after coordinating through the Admin Office with the Tenant. Would Planning like to select the location of these two ADA spaces for Molalla Ave? They get Blue Curbs, Thermoplastic Markings, and a street sign.

Have a great weekend!!


Andy Peters, Public Works Div Manager

315 Kennel Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Phone – 503.759.0220

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