From: Mac Corthell

Sent: Thu Oct 07 10:31:53 2021

To: Andy Peters

Cc: Adam Shultz

Subject: RE: Kiosks are here

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png;


Hello Gentlemen, see below responses and kiosk installation specs. If the specs don’t provide what you need for installation I can get with OCE to get them, just let me know.


Mac here are my questions - figured it would be more productive to ask by email before the meeting. If any of this is information I should already know I am sorry, it hasn’t made its way to me! You know how communication has been over the last few weeks lol!

  1. 1. SCOPE: What is the purpose of the project, or end use of the kiosks, intended to be? One side will have a very large city map on it that is in development… the first example is hung at the adult center by the TV now and was next to Dan’s office for a bit. The other side will have a piece of public art that the beautification and culture committee will eventually hold a contest to select, as well as a qr code listing that includes a Chamber of Commerce digital map of local businesses.
  2. 2. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: May we have installation instructions and drawing/details from the manufacturer? We need this so we know how deeply to set the posts, how big the concrete footings have to be, etc. We must follow their installation instructions to the letter so that they won’t blow over in the wind or topple under snow loads on a little kids head in the park. I’ve seen this mistake made in the past. See above.
  3. 3. LOCATIONS: They have an 8.5’x9’ footprint and are 13’ high. I recommend we visit the sites together and mark out where they will go with white paint so you can visualize them. Sounds good… I can do it today around 3pm, or tomorrow after 11am.
  4. 4. COSTS: There will be costs associated with installation, I will not know how much until I know the answers to 2 and 3. Will the grant cover this? If so, what line item are the grant cost POs being posted to? The costs will be covered by the grant, line item 101-107-5-20-4035. I also need labor costs to include in the grant for our in-kind match, that includes the time you are spending now.
  5. 5. DEADLINES: What are the deadlines we need to hit so we don’t screw up the grant? I think you mentioned there was one.


We have to complete install by about 11/25 to give me time to close the grant and photograph them. I’m aiming to have the map product complete no later than 11/1, but it can be installed after the kiosks. They will be vinyl (the high pressure laminate was too expensive) with some sort of protective covering similar to plexiglass.

That’s all I can think of for now.


From: Mac Corthell <>

Sent: Thursday, October 7, 2021 8:57 AM

To: Andy Peters <>

Subject: RE: Kiosks are here

That’s awesome!!! Do you guys have an idea of where you’d like to place them in Clark, Fox, and Long parks? Maybe we can discuss a bit at our meeting this afternoon?


Macahan “Mac” Corthell, J.D. | Planning Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Phone - 503.829.6855

Fax – 503.829.3676

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From: Andy Peters <>

Sent: Thursday, October 7, 2021 8:41 AM

To: Mac Corthell <>

Subject: Kiosks are here

Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

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