From: Andy Peters

Sent: Wed Apr 14 13:53:23 2021

To: Dan Huff; Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: Adult Center

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.jpg;


Yes Gerald, you did all the hard work already! I will get this together and out to some bidders.


From: Dan Huff <>

Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 11:29 AM

To: Gerald Fisher <>

Cc: Andy Peters <>

Subject: RE: Adult Center

Looks good to me

From: Gerald Fisher <>

Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2021 10:49 AM

To: Andy Peters <>; Dan Huff <>

Subject: FW: Adult Center

Dan – Let Andy and I know if you would like any modifications to the language below. Thanks.

Hi Andy,

Will need at least two plumbing bids for a separate Adult Center project. Here is the information that needs to go out and add whatever you need to make it work for you.


For the last 3 years or so, the Molalla Adult Community Center has had consistent problems with the sewer plumbing system. This has caused multiple site visits and multiple plumbing companies to be involved in tracking down the cause. Reasons for visits include removal of blockages and grease. After investigating the piping in the crawlspace, the existing run of cast iron piping is run at only 1/8" per foot of grade for roughly 100 feet. The City believes that the age of the piping along with the minimum slope is helping cause blockages. Blockages have been found in the drain up to 50 feet apart. The kitchen drainage does not have a grease trap installed. This is allowing grease into the sewer system. With the current lack of a grease trap and the orientation of the existing piping under the kitchen area has caused odor issues in the building. The City installed a new PVC lateral from the sewer main in Kennel Avenue to within approximately 20 feet of the building and installed a cleanout. The lateral is at 1/4" per foot of grade and the point of connection to the building sewer provides adequate grade differential to adjust the internal sewer to provide greater than 1/8” per foot of grade.

Work to be performed

  1. 1. Contractor shall prepare sketches or plans in order to obtain a Plumbing Permit from Clackamas County Building Department. Include permit fees in price. Final asbuilt drawing of work shall be provided to the City of Molalla Public Works Department once work is completed.
  2. 2. Remove and replace 140 feet of 4 inch sanitary drainage from the main restrooms to the newly installed sewer line in the front yard. Remove and replace 20 feet of existing drain to the Laundry Room. Install ABS pipe and fittings and adjust grade where possible for more fall over the entire run. Tie in points with new piping will be as close to bathroom fixtures as possible in the crawlspace, without opening walls or removing fixtures. Core drill through foundation at new exit point. Waterproof foundation penetration. Restore ground to original condition outside of building.
  3. 3. Remove existing kitchen drainage system piping. Install new ABS piping to current plumbing code. Run new piping to exterior of building and install code required grease trap/interceptor outside foundation. Install new sewer drain from grease trap/interceptor to ·new building drain being installed. Remove and replace drainage piping at bar sink/kitchen sink in cafeteria. Verify functionality of existing primer station and primer lines. Core drill through foundation for new waste line. Waterproof foundation penetration. Restore ground to original condition outside of building.
  4. 4. Work does not include replacement of restroom piping at north end of building. All connections to new piping per code.
  5. 5. Contractor shall coordinate work with the Director of the Molalla Adult Community Center.


Payment for services

This is a lump sum project. Progress payments for work shall be submitted to the Director of the Molalla Adult Community Center.

Prebid inspection of crawl space

Coordinate access to crawl space with Andy Peters, Operation Supervisor.

Andy – I cant find pictures of the connection that Grady did. I think there is almost a foot or more of fall between the building line and the lateral but I’m not totally sure.


Gerald Fisher, P.E. | Public Works Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0218

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From: <>

Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 3:26 PM

To: Dan Huff <>; Cecily Rose <>

Cc: Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: Re: Adult Center


Thank you for reaching out. Please proceed with the additional required bids. We look forward to hearing back from you on what you find out and receive. If you need assistance with locating additional plumbing and or crawlspace companies for bid let me know as we are willing to assist if needed.

Thank you again, Tim O’Hara

From: Dan Huff <>

Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 2:49 PM

To: Cecily Rose <>, <>

Cc: Gerald Fisher <>

Subject: Adult Center

Cecily and Tim – We have heard back from our Insurance Carrier and the vapor barrier and insulation replacement is fully covered. We are obtaining two additional bids for this work and we will let you know once we are ready to proceed.

Sanitary Sewer – Insurance will not caver any portion of this work. In order for the City to consider participation/contribution to this work, we will need to obtain two additional bids for the project. We will obtain these additional bids once you give us the go ahead and review with you once the bids are received.

Sump Pump Etc., - We are unconvinced that this work is necessary at the moment.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon





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