From: Karl Bergen

Sent: Wed Feb 17 14:30:43 2021

To: Andy Peters

Subject: Fwd: Resized_20210217_110153.jpeg

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Resized_20210217_110153.jpeg; City of Molalla Invoice.pdf;


Good Afternoon Andy,

We are all but complete with your leak stopping minus one manhole in a private back yard and the manholes in the highway.

Attached is the invoice.

Please let me know when we can get the last manhole or the ones in the main road.

Thank you!



Karl Bergen,

Bergen Construction, Inc.

Manhole & Vacuum Truck Services

595 NW Denton Ave.

Dallas, Oregon 97338

Office: 503-363-1510

Mobile: 503-209-5808




---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: <>

Date: Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 5:27 PM

Subject: Resized_20210217_110153.jpeg

To: Bergen Karl <>








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