From: Christine Hein
Sent: Thu Aug 13 12:08:27 2015
To: Jennifer Cline (; Dan Huff (
Cc: J.W. Ring; Phillip Bender; Mark Strandberg; Sarah Goodling
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 2015 08 13 Molalla ERP Spill Response Plan - Redacted (Final).pdf; Dear Jennifer- The public version of the ERP is attached. This is the one we should transmit to DEQ for now. If they ask about Appendix 2, please direct them to me. Suggested transmission email content below. I will send you a separate email with the version of the ERP to provide to City employees and place at City Hall and the WWTP. Thanks for all your work and input on this. Tina *********************************************************** Dear Tiffany & David: Attached please find the City’s Wastewater Emergency Response & Public Notification Plan (ERP). This ERP will be implemented right away, and we are in the process of planning comprehensive training about this plan and emergency response procedures for all City staff involved in wastewater operations. Please let me know if you have any questions.