From: Christine Hein

Sent: Thu Aug 13 12:21:50 2015

To: Jennifer Cline (; Dan Huff (

Cc: J.W. Ring; Phillip Bender; Mark Strandberg; Sarah Goodling

Subject: CONFIDENTIAL Full Version of ERP

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image003.png; image004.jpg; City of Molalla- ERP Acknowledgement Form.pdf; 2015 08 13 Molalla ERP Spill Response Plan - Confidential(Final).pdf;


Jennifer & Dan:

Attached is the confidential, full version of the ERP. This is the one that you should place in files at City Hall and the WWTP. Please clearly mark it as confidential and make sure that Sadie knows that if anyone submits a public records request, it is the other, redacted version, that should be provided.

Also, I included an acknowledgement form for you to have the employees sign when they receive a copy. Please let me know if you have any questions.

DEQ does not need to approve this document before it is implemented, but they may have comments after reviewing it. This should not hold up providing the document to City employees and getting it in place. We can address any DEQ comments we may get and decide whether to update later, but it is important to get the current version of the ERP in place now.



Christine L. Hein


621 SW Morrison, Suite 600

Portland, Oregon 97205

(503) 964-6726 office direct

(503) 964-6730 office main

(503) 314-0958 mobile

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