From: Andy Peters
Sent: Wed Sep 30 13:23:19 2020
To: Darlene Bishop; Ginger Harville; Gerald Fisher; Dan Huff
Subject: RE: WO#11965 has been ClosedComplete
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.png; Alright! Parks are open! Andy From: <> Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2020 1:23 PM To: Andy Peters <>; Darlene Bishop <> Subject: WO#11965 has been ClosedComplete WO#11965 has been ClosedComplete. Originator: apeters Request was: **note: this work order will email Darlene when closed out** We are ready to reopen park playgrounds in accordance with the governors guidance (attached). We've promised folks we'll have them done by Friday 9/2/20. This will not include restrooms - those remain locked please, since the guidance specifies more sterilization and frequency of cleaning than we can guarantee. The guidelines are attached, here are the steps I think we need to take for sure: 1. Remove all barricades and caution tape 9/29 UPDATE: cody and I removed all barricades and tape and re-opened parks - DO 2. Weed around pea gravel beds where needed, so the place looks decent 9/29 UPDATE: cody and i pulled and weed whipped weeds in play structure areas at long park - DO 3.Using stakes or t-posts, post the two required temporary signs (attached), one of each at each playground and pavilion. Darlene is laminating these. 9/29 UPDATE: Cody and I posted barricades with attached lamented signs - DO 4. Read through the governors guidance, attached, and take any further steps we can that are reasonable. For example, ensure all outdoor tables are at least 6 feet apart from each other. Feel free to document anything we do below, as it shows a good faith effort at compliance. 5. Any concerns or ambiguity just let me know, I will do my best to interpret. Thank you! Andy
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