From: Bush, Nancy
Sent: Wed Dec 16 13:26:34 2020
To: Phelps, Cathy
Subject: FW: NWS Portland weekly overview of flood & debris threat for NW Oregon burned areas
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 2020-12-16 BurnedAreasWeeklyOverview.pdf; Hello City EMs and Partners, Please see the attached pdf with an overview for the coming week. The NWS is highlighting the threat of heavy rain, floods, and debris flows this weekend. As of Wednesday afternoon, there remains a lot of uncertainty about timing, totals, and areas of heaviest precipitation Saturday and Sunday. We are expecting to get more specific detail as the storm approaches on Friday. nb Nancy Bush, MBA, MA (she, her, hers) Director Clackamas County Disaster Mangement Cell Phone: 971-806-3379