From: Bush, Nancy

Sent: Wed Nov 11 18:32:34 2020

To: Poole, Jamie

Subject: FW: NWS Portland Weather Briefing - 11 Nov 2020: Strong Winds, High Surf, mountain snow

Importance: Normal

Attachments: PQR DSS Email Briefing 11Nov2020.pdf;


Hello City EMs and other partners,

Attached is the latest weather briefing from the NWS. There continues to be no expectation of floods, flash floods or debris flows in the burned areas, but will continue to be watched.

Please go to for updates.


Nancy Bush, MBA, MA (she, her, hers)


Clackamas County Disaster Management

1710 Red Soils Ct

Oregon City, OR 97045

Desk: 503.655.8665

Cell: 971.806.3379