From: Bush, Nancy

Sent: Tue Nov 10 17:16:08 2020

To: Clack - EMdutyofficer

Subject: FW: NWS Portland - briefing for post-fire flood & debris flow response partners

Importance: High

Attachments: 2020-11-12 BurnedAreasBriefing.pdf;


Hello City Emergency Managers and other partners,

Please see the attached PDF briefing focused on the precipitation forecast and potential impacts for heavy rain this Thursday through Saturday. The briefing addresses the Eagle Creek, Riverside, Beachie Creek / Lionshead, and Holiday Farm burned areas. As of today, no floods, flash floods, or debris flows are expected, but the situation bears close watching. Disaster Management staff will be watching this closely and give updates as needed.

Please go to for other updates.

Nancy Bush, MBA, MA (she, her, hers)


Clackamas County Disaster Management

1710 Red Soils Ct

Oregon City, OR 97045

Desk: 503.655.8665

Cell: 971.806.3379