From: Poole, Jamie
Sent: Tue Jul 21 16:30:41 2020
Subject: FW: #ClackCo COVID-19 Update - July 21, 2020
Importance: Normal
City EMs,
Jamie Poole
Outreach and Technology Coordinator
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045
503-278-9150 (cell) | |
From: EOC, EOCLiaison <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2020 3:50 PM
To: EOC, EOCLiaison <>
Cc: EOC, EOCLogistics <>; EOC, EOCOperations <>; EOCPIO <>; EOC, EOCCommand <>; EOCPIC <>; EOC, EOCPlanning <>
Subject: #ClackCo COVID-19 Update - July 21, 2020
#ClackCo COVID-19 Update for July 21, 2020
Weekly updates provide information on the progress Clackamas County is making towards reopening and recovery, and to connect communities with the latest resources and data. Visit for more information.
Reopening Clackamas County
Need to stop by a county building? Before heading to our offices, please take note of our modified hours and service delivery due to #COVID19. Find the reopening schedule and contact information for all departments at .
Stop the Spread
Contact Tracing
COVID-19 cases are increasing in our area. Answering the call from a contact tracer is an important way to help stop the spread of the virus.
Contact tracers reach out to anyone who may have been exposed to COVID-19 to provide information and answer questions.
Watch this video to learn more about contact tracing, also available in Spanish. Versions in other languages are coming.
Face coverings work: CDC investigation shows efficacy of masks
We continue to learn more about how wearing face coverings help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Given the rise in cases since reopening, it’s critical for everyone to follow the statewideregulations about face coverings to slow the spread of COVID-19 and remain open.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released information about a situation in Missouri where two hair stylists learned they had COVID-19 after they had interacted with 139 clients. An investigation found that none of these clients were known to be infected with COVID-19. The hair stylists and clients wore face coverings, which likely helped prevent the spread of COVID-19. Learn more about the investigation at:
Focus on Public Health
Getting Tested
Many people are interested in testing for COVID-19 out of concern for themselves and their loved ones.
Visit for information on when to get tested and a list of testing locations.
News You Can Use
Gathering, Indoor Social Gathering mandate impact on faith organizations
Effective Wednesday, July 15, indoor social get-togethers of more than 10 people are prohibited in Oregon. This new rule does not include the meetings for civic, cultural, or faith-based purposes. However, it is safer to meet with fewer people as doing so reduces the risk of the virus spreading.
Visit OHAStatewide Gatherings, Indoor Social Get-Together Guidance for more information about this new requirement.
Community and Food Resources
New Website for Unemployment Q & A
Are you waiting to hear about the status of your unemployment insurance or Pandemic Unemployment Assistance benefits?
The Oregon Employment Department has a new website to help you:
Find resources at
Report COVID-19 Workplace Complaints to Oregon OSHA Online
Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) encourages workers and members of the public to call 800-922-2689 or use its onlineworkplace hazard reporting form to report concerns about COVID-19. The online form brings concerns to the division’s attention faster.
Partners for Hunger Free Oregon SNAP Update
Emergency Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits continue in July, which means all SNAP recipients will receive the maximum amount for their household size. Learn more, including how to apply, by visiting Partners for a Hunger Free Oregon.
Getting Food to Go the Distance during COVID-19
Take steps to safely acquire food and make sure it gets put to good use.
Resources for Businesses and Community-Based Organizations
Clackamas County Small Grants Program
The Board of County Commissioners’ SmallGrants Program is open for nonprofits providing essential services within the county. Application deadline is Aug. 6. A total of $250,000 will be distributed.
Tracking COVID-19 in Our Area
Learning about COVID-19 data
The Oregon Health Authority hosted a Q&A on COVID-19 data. The video can be viewed here:
In Clackamas County, there have been 1,141 cases and 30 deaths as of July 20. Visit the Blueprint for more details.