From: Poole, Jamie

Sent: Thu Jul 23 17:01:27 2020

Subject: Follow up for 7/23 City EM COVID call

Importance: Normal

Attachments: General Guidance_Declarations COVID 7-21-20.pdf; 2020July23_UpcomingHeat.pdf;


City EMs,

I apologize for the scattering of emails this morning, I wanted to get the time sensitive ones out right away. Here are more items that were promised this morning on our call.

Emergency Declaration Guidance – Oregon Emergency Management put together the attached guidance document in reference to emergency declarations and considerations for keeping them in place or letting them expire.

County Emergency Declaration – The County’s declaration was extended through September 12, 2020

Travel “Hot Spots” info - there is a CDC COVID data tracker website, you can change the map to cases per 100,000 to see the areas with more cases per capita. The CDC guidance webpage for travel has a lot of good information.

NWS Briefing Hot Sunday & Monday – attached is a weather briefing from the National Weather Service. We are expecting a hot Sunday and Monday.

Youth Action Board on face coverings – The County’s Youth Action Board (YAB) is currently comprised of young adults ages 17-25 and they were asked why individuals in this age group are reluctant to wearing face coverings/masks. Some main takeaways:

- Young people think the virus will not affect them, and it will be no big deal if they get COVID – need to find a way to encourage young people to do it for others not just themselves

- Many young adults may not have the means to obtain face coverings and they thought it would be awesome if there were people who would hand out free reusable and disposable options

- Because it is safer to gather outdoors rather than indoors, the YAB thought it would be a bad idea to discourage youth from the safe places outdoors, as they may try to gather indoors alternatively

- No one in that age group uses Facebook, you can only reach them via Instagram, Snap Chat, and Tik Tok

There was a lot going on today, so if I forgot something please email me a reminder. J Thank you and have a good weekend!

Jamie Poole

Outreach and Technology Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045

503-278-9150 (cell) | |

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