From: Wilson, Jay
Sent: Fri Sep 18 17:33:39 2020
To: Wilson, Jay
Cc: Bush, Nancy; Johnson, Dan
Subject: FEMA Public Assistance IDA information
Importance: Normal
Attachments: IDA_Data_Collection_Form_Public_Infrastructure.xls; checklist_of_the_ida_and_pda_factors_2020.doc; Instructions to Public Works Agencies - Final Ver 2.docx; Public Entities Damage Assessment Guidance Wildfires and Straight-line W....docx; Hello city emergency managers, public works directors and other officials, Clackamas County’s Emergency Operation Center has been activated for the Windstorm and Wildfire incident that began on Sept 07 and are seeking your participation in submitting your estimates of eligible expenses for damages and emergency response activities. To follow up on the received Major Disaster Declaration (DR-4562-OR) for Individual Assistance and the continuation of Category B Emergency Protective measures in the designated counties, we are requesting impacted counties to submit public infrastructure Initial Damage Assessments (IDA) to support the follow up request for FEMA Public Assistance for Category A, and the Permanent Work Categories. This guidance is to assist in assessing the magnitude and impact of the Wildfires and Straight-line Winds beginning September 7, 2020 and continuing, on local jurisdictions, aggregated by County, for potential FEMA Public Assistance for debris removal and permanent repairs. In order to prepare and evaluate damages for possible Federal supplementary assistance an understanding of the valuation criteria for FEMAs Public Assistance program is fundamental. The FEMA/State team will be using this information for the Joint Preliminary Damage Assessment (PDA). In general, the PDA is a joint effort in coordination with the State, FEMA and Local representative to gather impacts and estimated costs. The State/FEMA team collect and validate costs/estimates submitted by the local jurisdictions, through their County Emergency Manager. Much of the validation can be done remotely through pictures and explanation of impacts, severity and estimate of costs. For the purpose of the FEMA Joint Public Infrastructure PDA, we request local jurisdictions report those costs and damages that occurred as a direct result of the Wildfires and Straight-line Winds event on or near September 07, 2020 - TBD. In order to define the costs/estimates with the incident it is very important to identify the date of occurrence and the cause (Wind or Fire) to the damage or emergency response activity. Attachments: IDA_Data_Collection_Form_Public_Infrastructure.xls; checklist_of_the_ida_and_pda_factors_2020.doc; Instructions to Public Works Agencies - Final Ver 2.docx; Public Entities Damage Assessment Guidance Wildfires and Straight-line W....docx; Attached you will find documents to help you understand the FEMA Public Assistance categories and instructions for capturing and estimating your losses and expenses. · IDA data collection form with 3 tabs – · Checklist · Instruction/Tips for public works agencies Timeline: The County is responsible for compiling all municipal and special district IDA documents and must submit these reports to Oregon Emergency Management by COB on Friday, September 25th. We ask that you submit your completed IDA information using our online Public Agency web page form by 12pm noon on Wednesday, September 23rd. ***County Web Page: We are making a few last-minute modifications to help guide your uploading the IDA form information and plan to share that link this weekend. I will share a few extra information sheets from OEM/FEMA at that time. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you, Jay Wilson Resilience Coordinator Clackamas County Disaster Management 2200 Kaen Rd, Oregon City, OR 97045 Tel: 503-723-4848 Cell: 503-209-2812