From: Andy Peters

Sent: Wed Nov 25 11:15:42 2020

To: City Shops Distribution List; WWTP Distribution List; Water Treatment Plant Distribution List

Cc: Darlene Bishop; Chaunee Seifried; Gerald Fisher

Subject: Disinfecting Chemicals Coming Soon

Importance: Normal


Folks, FYI, we are still working on getting the Operations areas set up with good dis-infection chemicals. Darlene and Chaunee have been able to source an HOCL compound that is a proper Covid-19 kill rate biocide, while at the same time having no hazards to human beings, and requires no PPE to use. This compound has been manufactured specifically for the Fire Depts in our area on a Federal Grant, and represents the cutting edge of available safe-chemical technologies (I spoke with the Fire Depts Safety Officer yesterday about it). So we are just going through the process of reviewing the SDS sheets, getting labels on everything, and ordering the right equipment so we can all use it. We should have that stuff available for your areas soon after thanksgiving weekend. In the meantime, that Isopropanol I sent the email out about last week is available, you can get it from Darlene at City Hall. Please use it on a JIT basis, leaving most of the inventory at City Hall.

If there are any other steps you can think of that we can take as a group to protect us from viruses, while still keeping proper industrial hygiene in our areas, please bring it up. We will evaluate every idea and implement what makes sense as fast as possible.



From: Darlene Bishop <>

Sent: Wednesday, November 25, 2020 11:00 AM

To: City Hall Distribution List <>

Subject: Alcohol

Hi everyone,

I have appropriately labeled all the spray bottles of Alcohol. If anyone would like a bottle to have at their desk, they are currently in the breakroom in a box near the door to the Harry Potter closet. I will be using our new sanitizing system each morning when I get here (after I make the coffee of course), but in the interim the alcohol would be a good way to disinfect.

