From: Dan Huff

Sent: Wed Dec 02 12:57:03 2020

To: Frank Schoenfeld; Gerald Fisher; Chaunee Seifried; Mac Corthell; Diana Hadley; Christie DeSantis; Chris Long; Andy Peters; Cindy Chauran

Cc: Darlene Bishop

Subject: COVID-19

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image002.jpg;


All – I want to reiterate some items for all of you and you staff regarding COVID-19 protocols and regulations. Remember that many of us have differences of opinion regarding these protocols and we need to respect the right to have opinions. However, as stewards of a public agency, we need to follow protocols and regulations as these protocols and regulations apply to us as a local government. We will continue to make decisions that protect you, our agency and our citizens. We will continue to read the words and not necessarily follow the herd or read into the spirit. Some may disagree and you have the ability to do just that and even let me know if you are so inclined. Things to remember and think about:

  1. 1. Local government is exempt from the Governors Freeze (Executive Order #20-65). This order ends today but as you can imagine it has been extended.
  2. 2. We, as a public agency are not exempt from protocols.
  3. 3. We continually examine our protocols, practices and adhere to the 6-foot distancing requirements, sanitization and being safe. Each department may be a little different. If you need more information or have questions regarding the products we use and how sanitization within City Hall occurs, please contact Darlene Bishop for details. She will discuss how we sanitize City Hall every morning and what we do throughout the day.
  4. 4. If you are not able to social distance or any of your employees feel the need, please encourage them to wear a mask.
  5. 5. If you or any of your employees feel the need to work from home, be reminded that we have a telecommuting policy in place.


Please talk with your employees regularly about where they are in the midst of all of this COVID-19 protocol. I do have concerns regarding the individual well-being for all of our Staff. As Gerald Fisher mentioned recently, we need to continue to laugh! It will help keep us all sane.

Dan Huff

City Manager

City of Molalla, Oregon





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