From: Darlene Bishop
Sent: Tue Dec 01 15:31:19 2020
To: City Hall Distribution List
Subject: Cleaning/Sanitizing Supplies
Importance: Normal
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to remind you all that we are stocked very well on cleaning/sanitizing supplies. They are stored in the closet by my desk or you can just ask me if you need anything. I am using the sanitizing spray each morning when I arrive, but there is the industrial cleaner (pink) from Walter E Nelson down between finance and planning as well as in the kitchen. We have a large supply of Clorox wipes and some that are equivalent from Pacific Office Automation, plenty of liquid hand sanitizer, hand sanitizing wipes, masks and alcohol. If you find that you need something that we don’t have, please don’t hesitate to ask!!!
Thank you,
Darlene Bishop
Executive Administrative Assistant
City of Molalla