From: EOCPlanfire

Sent: Tue Sep 15 16:48:37 2020

To: EOCPlanfire

Subject: Clackamas Wildfire EOC Daily Briefings

Importance: Normal

Attachments: OR CCEOC ICS 214 WF2020 v2.docx;


Hello City disaster managers,

As the County EOC for Wildfires begins its second week of activation, we invite you to call in for our daily EOC briefings at 0830 and 1700.

These briefings are a time for Fire, law enforcement and EOC Section Chiefs to share their daily objectives and tasks and provide continuity for shift and staffing changes.

Conference call information:


ID: 3381#

Participant: 773381#

Also, for any of you who are doing EOC-related work, we would like to track your daily actions with the ICS 214 form provided.

Please see the instructions on page 3 and include your name, date, and work details.

Email the completed forms back to the EOC Planning section at

Thank you,

Jay Wilson

Clackamas County

EOC Planning Section

D: 503.650.3946

C: 503.209.2812