From: EOCPlanfire

Sent: Thu Oct 29 12:18:48 2020

To: EOCPlanfire

Cc: EOCCommfire; EOCPIO; EOCPIC; EOCOpsfire; EOCEvacuationFire; EOC, EOCLiaison; EOC, EOCLogistics; EOC, EOCFinance; EOC, EOCLegal

Subject: Clackamas Weekly Recovery Update #1

Importance: Normal

Attachments: ClackCo WF Recovery Update 1 10-29-20 draft.pdf;



Attached is our first attempt at transitioning from wildfire response to recovery and replacing the sit stat with a weekly update report. This will be a work in progress and we appreciate your input.

Thank you,

Jay Wilson

Clackamas County

EOC Planning Section

D: 503.650.3946

C: 503.209.2812