From: EOCPlanfire

Sent: Thu Nov 12 09:44:23 2020

To: EOCPlanfire

Cc: EOCPIO; EOCOpsfire; EOCPIC; EOC, EOCLogistics; EOCEvacuationFire; EOCCommfire; EOC, EOCFinance; EOC, EOCLegal

Subject: Clackamas County Weekly Wildfire Recovery Report Update

Importance: Normal

Attachments: ClackCo WF Recovery Update 3 11-12-20 final.pdf;



Attached is this week’s recovery report update. We have changed the structure from Recovery Support Functions to now reflect the County’s Performance Clackamas 2020 five strategic priorities.

Thank you,

Jay Wilson

Clackamas County

EOC Planning Section

D: 503.650.3946

C: 503.209.2812