From: Poole, Jamie

Sent: Thu Jul 16 15:05:54 2020

Subject: 7/16 City EM COVID call follow up

Importance: Normal


City EMs,

Here are the follow up items from this morning’s call.

Statewide Mask, Face Shield, Face Covering Guidance – OHA released updated guidance here.

CARES Funding: This is the updated IRS guidance for allowable CAREs expenses:

This is the CRF Grants Portal for future request. The next round of applications can be filed beginning July 13th. Good news is that they will have a CRF reimbursement portal go live on Monday, so cities will be able to submit their ongoing costs for reimbursement up to the statewide CRF allocation cap.

Enforcement of outdoor face covering requirements: This morning during our EOC Liaison meeting we discussed the cities’ question about how to obtain compliance with a younger population that tends to gather at parks or other locations without wearing face coverings. Our liaisons came up with really creative ideas. These are also being passed on to our PIOs for ideas at a county level as well.

- Post updated signage of the new rules (some people may not know)

- While doing education provide free face coverings to those not wearing them

- Start a positive campaign that you share on social media. If you have LE or other staff out doing education, have them reward those they see wearing face coverings with something and get photos to post on social media to help normalize it and reward good behavior. Maybe partner with a business to give a free ice cream coupon or something.

- Start a creative face covering competition to engage youth

Thank you,

Jamie Poole

Outreach and Technology Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045

503-278-9150 (cell) | |

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