From: Andy Peters

Sent: Tue May 19 07:58:24 2020

To: Chaunee Seifried; Cindy Chauran; Ginger Harville

Cc: Darlene Bishop; Ronda Lee; Gerald Fisher

Subject: RE: Covid expenses

Importance: Normal


Chaunee, yes, here is a link to all Pos approved that reference COVID:


From: Chaunee Seifried <>

Sent: Monday, May 18, 2020 4:48 PM

To: Cindy Chauran <>; Ginger Harville <>

Cc: Darlene Bishop <>; Ronda Lee <>; Andy Peters <>

Subject: Covid expenses

I have to submit a report by Thursday for expenses relating to Covid 19. Can you help me track down all of those expenses? I told departments in the beginning to make sure there is a reference to covid for all expenses.

Unless there is a better trail that you know of, I will go through all of the AP files and track down each expense.

Things like:

Any PPE’s


Sanitizing and any extra cleaning services

Posters and markings

Extra publishing costs or articles

Payroll leaves

Tech Services

Telecommuting costs


Let me know if you have any helpful information.

Thank You,

Chaunee Seifried

Finance Director

City of Molalla

503-829-6855 ext 0228