From: Poole, Jamie
Sent: Tue May 05 16:49:42 2020
Subject: FW: NO-COST TRAINING: TEEX Infrastructure Management & Recovery Webinars
Importance: Normal
City EMs,
Please see below for training opportunities.
From: Greenlee Dianne <>
Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 2:19 PM
Subject: NO-COST TRAINING: TEEX Infrastructure Management & Recovery Webinars
Warning: External email. Be cautious opening attachments and links.
FYI, please share with your colleagues.
The TEEX Infrastructure Disaster Management and Recovery instructional team have developed 4 new TEEX Instructor-Led webinar courses. These 1-hour courses are delivered via WebEx and at no-cost to students. Students will receive a certificate of completion at the end of class.
Assessing Risk for Public and Private Services -
Course Description
This webinar will provide Public and Private Services staff and managers alike with an increased awareness of understanding risk and how utilizing a risk assessment process improves resiliency. The presenter will share best practices, methods, and practical experiences on assessing risk from an emergency management perspective.
Public Works Emergency Management and Continuity Planning -
Course Description
This webinar will provide Public Work Agencies with awareness level information on emergency management and continuity planning. The presenter will apply current and up to date information for Public Work staff that will help make sure Public Work Agencies are better prepared to handle any unintended consequences of COVID-19.
Protecting First Responder – First Receiver Staff with PPE Tips -
Course Description
This webinar will provide First Responders, First Receivers, and Staff with awareness level informative tips to help protect yourself and others using personal protective equipment. The presenter will share practical experience on personal protective equipment and considerations to safely maximize barrier protection from a biological pathogen as well as biological hazardous waste handling.
Ensuring Water and Wastewater Service During a Pandemic -
Course Description
This webinar will provide Water and Wastewater Utilities managers and staff with information to ensure continuity of water and wastewater services during a pandemic. The presenter will discuss current recommendations and best practices for water and wastewater utilities during the COVID-19 pandemic to mitigate impacts on utilities while continuing to provide essential services to the community. This webinar will also describe steps that certain utilities have already taken to ensure the continuity of operations during the current pandemic.
For scheduled webinars please click the links above.
Oregon TITAN Fusion Center (OTFC)
Open M-F, 7:30 to 5 pm
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