The Clackamas County Commissioners voted unanimously to submit the county’s Phase 1 Reopening application as “expeditiously as possible.” On May 7, Governor Brown outlined the steps to be taken by Oregon counties to begin the reopening process. Seven prerequisites were identified that must be met before a county can apply to enter Phase 1. For further background on the reopening guidelines, see the Governor’s reopening website. Today, county staff presented the Clackamas County Board of Commissioners with the county’s plan to meet the seven prerequisites outlined by Governor Brown. After some discussion, it was agreed to apply to reopen as soon as possible. The county launched a dashboard on Monday, where residents can track the county’s progress on meeting the seven prerequisites. Currently, four of the seven have been met, with significant progress and comprehensive plans in place on the other three. “Submitting the application is an important step in safely and gradually reopening sectors of our economy,” said Clackamas County Disaster Management Director Nancy Bush. “Once the Governor approves our plan, we must continue to work together as a community to protect ourselves and others from the risks of COVID-19. This includes washing your hands, keeping your physical distance, and wearing face coverings in public.” The county plans to submit its application package by close of business today, Tuesday, May 19. “Thank you, Clackamas County residents, for your incredible work to “flatten the curve” from COVID-19,” said Dr. Sarah Present, Health Officer for Clackamas County. “The response is not over, and it will be vital for us to continue following public health guidance to keep our communities healthy and safe.” |