From: Poole, Jamie

Sent: Fri May 22 11:26:55 2020

Subject: FW: [Localtribal-em] FW: RX Public Assistance COVID-19 FEMA DailyUpdate 5.20.2020

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.png; HSS RSF Coronavirus - HHS Stimulus Evaluation Matrix V2 19May20.xlsx;


To Whom It May Concern:

Please see the FEMA Public Assistance update for May 20.

Thank you,

Jamie Poole

Outreach and Technology Coordinator

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045

503-278-9150 (cell) | |

From: Localtribal-em <> On Behalf Of Slevin, Julie via Localtribal-em

Sent: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 12:41 PM

To: '' <>; '' <>

Cc: Lessey Cameron <>; McCormick, Sean M <>; Nicole Peters ( <>; 'Lucas Pagan' <>; Kaufman, Joseph <>; Kuechle Lillianna <>; 'Jeff Stump' <>

Subject: [Localtribal-em] FW: RX Public Assistance COVID-19 FEMA Daily Update 5.20.2020

Warning: External email. Be cautious opening attachments and links.


HI all , her is today’s FEMA Region Ten update!



Subject: RX Public Assistance COVID-19 FEMA Daily Update 5.20.2020

Good afternoon,

Here’s today’s update! Please keep letting us know how we can assist you, and if there are any particular topics or questions you’d like to be addressed.

CARES Act funding as Match for PA: Update addressing the White House Statement on authorization for States to utilize coronavirus relief funding for FEMA cost share. FEMA has reached out to the Dept of Treasury to seek additional information and expected timing for Treasury to publish related guidance updates, to include how this will impact EMPG-S. Treasury indicated that they will update their posted guidance to include this information and that they were expecting an additional memo from the White House regarding this bullet in the briefing. Treasury was not able to provide a target date for posting the updated guidance. Treasury has not yet posted the online portal for Tribes to request additional funds referenced on their CARES Act page as of 5/14. FEMA PA is also working on general guidance regarding duplication of benefits for various COVID resources. We hope to provide further clarification soon, and will update accordingly.

Interagency Update – HHS funding matrix: See the attached excel matrix (v.2) for publicly available information on HHS grants receiving supplemental funding under any COVID-19 stimulus legislation. This tool, which is continually updated and revised, is designed to help support identification of resources that are available to help with response and recovery issues related to COVID-19.

Clarification on USDA funding for depopulation and/or disposal:



PA Training – Independent Study Courses: The Emergency Management Institute (EMI) website, will be performing scheduled maintenance on Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 7:00 AM EDT. Service is expected to be restored by 10:00 AM EDT. During this time Independent Study exams, the Online Admissions Application, and Instructor Media Download Application (IMDA), will not be available. If you experience any issues outside of this maintenance window please contact EMI.

No new documents posted from HQ as of 5/20/20:

Thank you for all your continued efforts in helping the nation before, during and after disasters. As new information becomes available, we will do our best to make this information as accessible as possible.
