From: Chaunee Seifried

Sent: Fri May 15 11:16:24 2020

To: Alice Cannon

Cc: Gerald Fisher; Dan Huff

Subject: Front Office Space - FYI

Importance: Normal



I met with Gerald today because Sam and Zinder are only sitting 4’ apart with their new desks. We have decided to temporarily moved Sam in Julies space because it is 6’ apart from Zinder. We cannot have employees sitting that close. When Julie returns from leave she can use Cindy’s old desk on a temporary basis as well. We would have pulled you into the conversation but you are not in the office today and it is urgent to make the move today. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns and we can discuss.

Chaunee Seifried

Finance Director

City of Molalla

503-829-6855 ext 0228