From: Poole, Jamie
Sent: Tue May 12 14:40:37 2020
Subject: Follow up for 5/12 City EM COVID call
Importance: Normal
Attachments: OC Farmers Market; City EMs, Here are updates from this morning’s call: Declaration of Emergency extensions: If your city has executed an extension of your emergency declaration, and you have not sent it to us, please send it to me and I will send it to the state. Governor’s website: Visit the Governor’s COVID-19 Resource website for the latest guidance documents. I was told by our PIOs today that a lot of the information that was on it yesterday was updated this morning, so it is worth checking regularly. Guidance on Retail Stores vs. Malls: I have not received any further official guidance or definition of a “mall” however, if you look at the site linked above, you will see guidance for “RetailStores” and in the guidance for “Malls” the guidance document actually refers to “Shopping Centers and Malls”. Oregon City Farmers Market info: Please see the attached email from Kelly Dibeck. She provides contact information and a link about an app the market is using for pre-sales/pickup. Thank you Kelly! Emails from Selicity Icefire at OEM: This is a staff person at Oregon Office of Emergency Management. Thank you, Jamie Poole Outreach and Technology Coordinator Pronouns: she/her/hers Clackamas County Disaster Management | 2200 Kaen Road, Oregon City, OR 97045 503-278-9150 (cell) | | Follow Clackamas County: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube Follow Disaster Management: Facebook | Twitter Sign up for Public Alerts: